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All the answers to your questions about sanitation and phyto-purification.

What should I do in the event of invasive plants?

Fireweed, willow, nettles, bindweed, etc. may appear in the initial composition of semi-aquatic plants in the sanitation garden.

These should be removed as they appear, so as not to be overwhelmed by unwanted plants that could eventually take over.

As soon as an unwanted plant emerges, it should be removed as quickly as possible to prevent it from spreading elsewhere.

During cutting and at the end of summer, more detailed maintenance can be implemented to take stock of the development of the plants, regulate some and remove any unwanted ones. Maintenance is fairly easy as the plants are rooted in gravel, which makes removal relatively easy.

Special care must be taken to avoid bindweed overwhelming the other plants, as it is very invasive and difficult to treat when it has taken hold.

Marigolds can be planted around the filter as a preventive measure because the roots contain acidity, which has the virtue of repelling bindweed.

Your local Aquatiris expert will also be able to work with you to find the most suitable solution during a visit to your installation.

How much does maintenance cost?

The maintenance contract should be considered at between €100 and €300 excluding VAT, depending on the desired formula (one or two trips, monitoring, cutting, weeding, etc.), to be defined with your local Aquatiris expert.

Should we remove the humus (residual deposit on the surface)?

No, definitely not! It contributes to the proper functioning of the filter. Humus is the system’s great “pantry”. It contributes to the correct “Water-Soil-Plants” balance. Bacteria develop favourably there, allowing the degradation of the organic matter and nitrogen contained in our wastewater and its absorption by plants.

How often should the reeds be cut?

At the end of February or beginning of March, when nature wakes up and prepares for the arrival of spring.

Does it require a lot of maintenance?

The filters have gardener-type maintenance (cutting, weeding, etc.). A maintenance booklet will be provided with the study. The first year is the most important for the shooting and growth of the plants.
The sludge composted on the surface of the filter planted with reeds must be removed approximately every 10 years using a claw or a rake and placed in a composting platform where it can be recycled.

Your Aquatiris expert can also intervene at your request to advise you on the maintenance of your Sanitation Garden and offer you a maintenance contract, if necessary.

Calculez les économies de Gaz à Effet de Serre réalisées.

Tout comme les milliers de propriétaires déjà conquis, vous vous direz, vous aussi, que oui, la nature fait bien mieux les choses.

L’équivalent-habitant est une unité de mesure définie en France par l’article R2224-6 du Code général des collectivités territoriales. Pour équiper une maison avec un système d’assainissement non collectif, l’arrêté du 7 mars 2012 stipule la règle 1 EH (équivalent-habitant) = 1 PP (pièce principale). L’article R.111-1-1 définit une pièce principale comme étant une unité destinée au séjour ou au sommeil, excluant ainsi les pièces de service (cuisines, cabinets d’aisance, salles d’eau, etc.).

La nature fait bien (mieux) les choses

Votre Jardin d'Assainissement évitera l'émission de CO2eq sur 50 ans *, alors que l'assainissement des eaux usées émet CO2eq dans le même temps **. Grâce à votre Jardin d'Assainissement, vous réduirez donc votre empreinte carbone de kg de CO2eq.

Ce qui équivaut à :

kms parcourus en voiture thermique
heures de streaming sur un PC portable

100 % de nos assainissements sont des jardins

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*Source Alternative Carbone sur la base de la méthode d'ACV dynamique de la RE2020 ** Source étude CITEPA sur les GES du secteur du traitement des eaux usées.

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